Mame-loshn – velt-literatur / Kleine Sprache – Weltliteratur / Minority Language – World Literature

Yidish un iberzetsung / Jiddisch und Übersetzung / Yiddish and Translation
Mame-loshn – velt-literatur / Kleine Sprache – Weltliteratur / Minority Language – World Literature
39,95 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit ca. 2-3 Tage

  • 2024
  • 412
  • gb
One of the essential pillars of Yiddish literature since its beginnings in the 13th century has... mehr
Produktinformationen "Mame-loshn – velt-literatur / Kleine Sprache – Weltliteratur / Minority Language – World Literature"

One of the essential pillars of Yiddish literature since its beginnings in the 13th century has been translation. In the 20th century, the desire to belong to world literature stimulated Yiddish intellectuals to translate works of foreign literature into Yiddish – in a brilliant display of literary force. With a focus on Yiddish cultural spaces in the Soviet Union and Poland, the present volume is devoted to the transnational and ‘translational’ state of Yiddish literature in various places and periods. Alongside reflections on the craft of translation, the volume includes accounts of literary translations and the practices of self-translation and collective, intermedial and cultural translation. Twelve scholarly contributions illuminate the function and meaning of translation for this minority language as a Jewish national language and for Yiddish literature as world literature.

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