On Jews in the Roman World

Collected Studies
On Jews in the Roman World
174,00 € *

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Lieferzeit ca. 2-3 Tage

  • Katzoff, Ranon
  • 2019
  • 400
  • gb
The present volume presents a selection of studies by Ranon Katzoff on Jews in the ancient Roman... mehr
Produktinformationen "On Jews in the Roman World"
The present volume presents a selection of studies by Ranon Katzoff on Jews in the ancient Roman world. Common to them is that they deal with Jews in liminal situations - confronted with non-Jewish, mainly Roman, laws, places, government, and modes of thought. In these studies - in which texts in Greek and Latin and rabbinic texts (all in translation) elucidate each other - Jews are shown to be rather loyal to their Jewish traditions, a controversial conclusion.The first two sections concern law. Section one searches the remains of popular Jewish culture for evidence on the degree to which rabbinic law really prevailed, through the study of Judaean Desert documents, mainly those of Babatha. Section two sifts through rabbinic law for traces of Roman law. Section three comprises studies of Jews in, to, and from the city of Rome, and section four a miscellany of studies on Jews confronted with non-Jewish life.
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