Die Evangelische Gemeinde Theresienstadt
- Autor: Wallmann, Johannes
- Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
- Seiten: 312
- Bindung: br
[The Protestant Congregation of Theresienstadt]
The book wants to remind the public of unknown people and events in the context of Jewish-Christians relations. First it deals with the Protestant congregation of Theresienstadt, i.e., the congregation of the Protestants with Jewish ancestors who made up a considerable part of the people deported to the Nazi Concentration Camp near Prague. It goes on to discuss the reception of Martin Luther's writings on the Jews from the 16th to the 19th centuries, followed by chapters on the relationship of Pietism to the Jews and on the origins of the so-called »Judensonntag« (»Sunday of the Jews«). Next the book examines the background of the »Entjudungsinstitut« (Institute for the elimination of Jewish influence on the church) in Eisenach, before it finally looks into the relationship of Lutheranism and Zionism during the Weimar Republic.
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