Biblische Freundschaft
Jüdisch-christliche Basisinitiativen in Deutschland und Österreich nach 1945- Autor: Petschnigg, Edith
- Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
- Seiten: 592
- Bindung: kt
From a doctrine of contempt to a doctrine of respect: After 1945 Christian churches had to confront their own anti-Jewish tradition and recognized their complicity for the shoah. The Jewish-Christian Dialogue is one significant result of that shift in mindset. In Germany and Austria, Jewish-Christian discussion initiatives based on the Hebrew Bible – a common document of faith shared by both Judaism and Christianity – were established in the first decades of the post-war period. This monography concentrates on four such dialogue initiatives, and the genesis and development of these dialogue-based educational formats and their reception of the Bible are analysed. The qualitative study grants dialogue-participants ample space for their perceptions und experiences.
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