The Yellow Wind

The Yellow Wind
15,80 € *

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Lieferzeit ca. 2-3 Tage

  • Grossman, David
  • 2016
  • 218
  • kt
A book that changed how we think about the Israeli-Palestine conflict: a book that knows that the... mehr
Produktinformationen "The Yellow Wind"
A book that changed how we think about the Israeli-Palestine conflict: a book that knows that the enemy is not the Palestinian or the Israeli but the extremist and fanatic on either sideFirst published in 1988, The Yellow Wind is Israeli novelist David Grossman's impassioned account of what he observed on the West Bank in early 1987: not only the misery of the Palestinian refugees and their deep-seated hatred of the Israelis, but also the moral cost of occupation for both occupier and occupied. With the unstinting eye of the investigative journalist combined with the humane compassion of the novelist, Grossman channels the myriad human voices of the conflict, weaving them into an indelible account of one of the most intractable tragedies of modern times."Beautifully written and highly perceptive" Guardian
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