Places, Spaces, and Voids in the Holocaust

Places, Spaces, and Voids in the Holocaust
42,00 € *

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  • Aleksium, Alexander
  • (Ed.)
  • 2021
  • 270
  • gb
  • 23 Abb.
The EHS issues are thematic. Each issue features a selection of peer-reviewed research articles,... mehr
Produktinformationen "Places, Spaces, and Voids in the Holocaust"
The EHS issues are thematic. Each issue features a selection of peer-reviewed research articles, which offer novel perspectives on the main theme.

- Andrea Löw and Kim Wünschman: Film and the Reordering of City Space in Nazi Germany: The Demolition of the Munich Main Synagogue
- Michal Frankl: Cast out of Civilized Society. Refugees in the No Man`s Land between Slovakia and Hungary in 1938
- Beate Meyer: Foreign Jews in Nazi Germany - Protected or Persecuted? Preliminary Results of a New Study
- Dominique Schröder: Writing the Camps, Shifting the Limits of Language: Toward a Semantics of the Concentration Camps?
- Tal Bruttmann, Stefan Hördler, and Christoph Kreutzmüller: A Paradoxical Panorama: Aspects of Space in Lili Jacob’s Album
- Irina Rebrova: Jewish Accounts of Soviet Evacuation to the North Caucasus
- Malena Chinski: A New Address for Holocaust Research: Michel Borwicz and Joseph Wulf in Paris, 1947–1951
- Anna Engelking: »Our own traitor« as the Focal Point of Belarusian Folk Narrative on Local Perpetrators of the Holocaust
- Hannah Wilson: The Memoryscape of Sobibór Death Camp: Commemoration and Materiality

Der Band erscheint vollständig in englischer Sprache.
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