The History of Jews in Lithuania

From the Middle Ages to the 1990s
The History of Jews in Lithuania
99,00 € *

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Lieferzeit ca. 2-3 Tage

  • Sirutavičius, Vladas
  • Staliūnas, Darius
  • u.a. Hg.
  • 2019
  • 524
  • gb
This book aims to create an integral picture of the social, economic and cultural history of the... mehr
Produktinformationen "The History of Jews in Lithuania"
This book aims to create an integral picture of the social, economic and cultural history of the Jews in Lithuania during the course of more than six hundred years – from the Middle Ages to the 1990s. It is a translation of the study “Lietuvos žydai. Istorinė studija” (Engl. “Lithuanian Jews. Historical study”), published in Lithuanian in 2012. The Book was written by an interna-tional group of scholars from Lithuania, Israel, the United States of America and Germany.

The world of Lithuanian Jewry is reconstructed through different aspects of the development of community and society: demography, social and economic activity, self-government institutions of the community, cultural and religious movements, literature and the press, education, discriminative policy of the authorities and relations with the dominant church, segregation, assimilation and changes of identity, anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust.
Unser Kommentar zu "The History of Jews in Lithuania"
Staliūnas, Darius
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