A Photographic Project by J. Offenbach- Autor: Baum, Devorah
- Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
- Seiten: 176
- Bindung: gb
- Ergänzung: 120 Illustr.
Offenbach took inspiration from People of the Twentieth Century, the series of portraits of German people of the 1920’s by the Cologne-based photographer August Sander, but unlike Sander, he decided not to include the background or the setting for any of portraits, as he didn’t want this collection to be documentary in style or intention; so, a weaver in Ethiopia is sitting in exactly the same light as a financier from Wall Street. Half way around the world to each other but surprisingly close.
Offenbach travelled to 12 countries, including Argentina, Azerbaijan, India, Ethiopia, China and Ukraine and took are approximately 120 black-and-white portraits of jews. The objective of the series is to look at Jewish faces and see the similarities and the differences. A snapshot of world Jewry today. On one level simply, that Jews come from all parts of society, and in all shapes and sizes.
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