The Chelmno Death Camp

History, Biographies, Remembrance
The Chelmno Death Camp
39,90 € *

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Lieferzeit ca. 2-3 Tage

  • Hojan, Artur
  • Webb, Chris
  • 2019
  • 524
  • kt
This book is a comprehensive account of the Chelmno death camp. Chelmno was not only the first... mehr
Produktinformationen "The Chelmno Death Camp"
This book is a comprehensive account of the Chelmno death camp. Chelmno was not only the first Nazi death camp, it also set a horrific example in establishing gas vans as the first mass use of poison gas to kill Jews. Chris Webb and Artur Hojan cover the construction and the development of the mass murder process, as perfected by the Nazis. The story is painstakingly told from all sides, the Jewish inmates, some who survived the Holocaust, the perpetrators, the Polish Arbeitskommando, and others.

A major part of this work is the Jewish Roll of Remembrance that includes the few survivors and the Jews deported from the Reich, via the Litzmannstadt ghetto, to their deaths in the gas vans. The book is richly illustrated with historical and contemporary photographs and documents.
Unser Kommentar zu "The Chelmno Death Camp"
Webb, Chris
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