Jews and Entertainment in the Ancient World

Jews and Entertainment in the Ancient World
154,00 € *

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Lieferzeit ca. 2-3 Tage

  • Spielman, Loren R.
  • 2019
  • 310
  • gb
Countering the traditional belief that Jews in antiquity were predominantly disinterested in the... mehr
Produktinformationen "Jews and Entertainment in the Ancient World"
Countering the traditional belief that Jews in antiquity were predominantly disinterested in the popular entertainments of the Greek and Roman world, Loren R. Spielmanmaps the varieties of Jewish engagement with theater, athletics, horse racing, gladiatorial, and beast shows in antiquity. The author argues that Jews from Hellenistic Alexandria to late antique Sepphoris enjoyed and exploited, or alternatively resisted and scorned, popular forms of public entertainment as they adapted to the political, social, and religious realities of imperial rule. Including references to ancient Jewish actors, athletes, promoters, and plays alongside analysis of rabbinic and other early Jewish critique of sport and spectacle, Loren R. Spielmandescribes the different ways that attitudes towards entertainment might have played a role in shaping ancient Jewish identity.
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